Sustainability profile

In the spring of 2022, I joined Hållbarhetsklivet, West Sweden's collective initiative for a sustainable tourism industry. My goal is to limit the "ecological footprint" by offering an experience that is "around the corner" for many who live in Gothenburg and visitors to Gothenburg. It is easy to get here by public transportation, even by bike. The food I offer should as far as possible be locally produced and fair trade. The activities I offer do not require you to buy a lot of specially adapted equipment. The safety equipment I offer for kayaking is reused by all my clients. The hiking tours require nothing more than "clothes for the weather". Finally, in a simple but very concrete way, I want to contribute to nature conservation by always carrying a garbage bag on my tours to collect the trash we unfortunately find on the road.

I also think my tours will help you deepen your relationship with nature by getting to know it and how you are affected by it. I think there are many adults in today's urban environments who have a rather limited understanding of nature. If you develop a relationship with nature as an adult, you can then pass it on to your children. Research also shows the positive impact of spending time in nature on your health and happiness, and in this context, concepts such as forest bathing and mindfulness often come up. So, joining me on a guided nature tour, on foot or in a kayak, is nothing less than a "win-win situation"!

About me - Jennie Walker

Already in my early childhood, my parents have founded my interest and love for nature. Birds, plants, the sea, rocks and mountains on the small island of Hälsö became my faithful friends.

Now I'm a little more than the same age as the family's first kayak, I have a 25-year teaching career behind me, two grown-up sons and have been living for 30 years with my husband Lars, two cats and a number of chickens in a house on Hönö. We live next door to the magnificent nature reserve Ersdalen, you just have to throw your legs over the wall and you are there, out on the gray gneiss slopes and can greet funny beetle larvae, fragrant honeysuckle and beautiful singing leaf singers, old faithful friends who always return with the changing seasons and greet their time again.

During 2021-2022, I also deepened my relationship with nature by studying a biology course at Uppsala University, an ornithology course at Linnaeus University and some folk high school courses in entrepreneurship, sustainable development and ecotourism. In 2023, I also received the industry organization Naturturismöretagen's certification as a professional nature guide.

Many are the miles I have hiked and paddled out here and let the stressed teacher's brain disconnect from unsolved problems and constantly throbbing musts. Many are also the friends who have walked or paddled with me and who over the years have shown their appreciation and encouraged me to finally take the step to actually offer my experiences to more people. So here I am, me and my best friend Nature, at your service!

About me

Already in early childhood, my parents have founded my interest and love for nature. Birds, plants, the sea, rocks and mountains on the small island of Hälsö became my faithful friends.

Now I am a little more than the same age as the family's first kayak, I have a 25-year teaching career behind me, two grown-up sons and have been living for 28 years with my husband Lars, two cats and seven chickens in a house on Hönö. We live next door to the magnificent nature reserve Ersdalen, you just have to throw your legs over the wall and you are there, out on the gray gneiss slopes and can greet funny bearded dragonflies, fragrant honeysuckle and beautiful singing leaf singers, old faithful friends who always return with the changing seasons and greet their time again.

In the spring of 2021, I am also deepening my relationship with nature by taking a biology course at Uppsala University, an ornithology course at Linnaeus University, and an entrepreneurial and health course at Lillsveds idrottsfolkhögskola.

Many are the miles I've walked and paddled out here, letting my stressed-out teacher's brain disconnect from intractable problems and ever-present demands. Many are also the friends who have walked or paddled with me and who over the years have shown their appreciation and encouraged me to finally take the step to actually offer my experiences to more people. So here I am, me and my best friend Nature, at your service!